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And then Jesus told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.”
Mark 16:15
We want to help our congregation fulfill God’s command to preach the Good News around the world. Mission support has been an integral part of Faith Community Church’s vision since its beginning. We strive to make as much of our income as possible available for missions, both locally and internationally. Ongoing prayer support is vital for the successful ministries of our missionaries. We encourage our congregation to pray for specific requests from our missionaries.
How you can be involved:
PRAY for our missionaries as they serve the Lord. Specific requests are in the Sunday bulletin and in the weekly Faith Community Church email.
GIVE to support a particular mission and/or respond to the annual fundraisers.
GO on a mission trip. We have both local (Aberdeen) and overseas opportunities for you to be involved in spreading the Good News.
Our Missions
If you would like more information or wish to make a donation to any of the Missions that FCC currently supports, please get in contact with us.
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